

Spring - A Season of Rebirth, Renewal, and Fresh Starts ~   I love the feeling of fresh and new that comes with this time of year. Opening the windows to bring the fresh, crisp air inside, feels so good. Cleaning and clearing out what is no longer needed, both...
Create Rituals in Your Life

Create Rituals in Your Life

Create rituals in your life rather than routines ~ A few years ago I learned the value in consciously choosing my thoughts and the words that I speak. I've come to deeply understand the power of thoughts and the power of the spoken word. Knowing that we can help set...
Being Mindful

Being Mindful

Being Mindful ~   Most people tend to do things on auto-pilot while their mind is elsewhere. You may find yourself loading the dishwasher while thinking about how your last meeting at work went. Or, driving to the grocery store while worrying about all the other...