Don't Should Yourself ~


A few years ago I learned the value in consciously choosing my thoughts and the words that I speak. I've come to deeply understand the power of thoughts and the power of the spoken word.

I strongly believe that we can help set ourselves up for success by becoming more conscious of our thoughts and words.

Consider the word should, which is most often used when criticizing someone (And that someone includes you!) How often do you should yourself?

I should have done this. Or, I should have said that.

When you think about it, whether we use it to describe ourselves or others, should isn't very nice.

Instead, try replacing should with could. Using could releases the feeling of criticism and suggests possibility. Say these two statements out loud:

I could have done this. Or, I could have said that.

Can you feel the difference from the previous ones when should was used? When should is replaced with could the exact same statement sounds and feels kinder and with less judgement.

You have choice with every thought that you have and with every word that you speak. By becoming more conscious of these, you can help set yourself up for success to creating more of what you want in your life.

Commit to no longer 'shoulding' yourself or others. Open yourself up to the possibilities of could.

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