Invest Your Time ~


A few years ago I learned the value in consciously choosing my thoughts and the words that I speak. I've come to deeply understand the power of thoughts and the power of the spoken word.

I strongly believe that we can help set ourselves up for success by becoming more conscious of our thoughts and words.

In a world where most feel that there's never enough time or money, consider the words spend and invest.

The definition for spend in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary is:

  1. to use up or pay out: expend.
  2. exhaust, wear out, to consume wastefully: squander

Do you want to spend your time grocery shopping? Or, spend your time cooking dinner? How about spend your time at the gym?

Rather than use spend, I choose to use the word invest

I gladly invest my time grocery shopping or cooking dinner, knowing that both help me provide healthy meals for myself and family. Further to this, it brings me pleasure to invest money buying organic foods and products. Every time I do, it helps support an industry that puts value on the health and well-being of everyone and everything, including our planet.

Investing time is so important. I want to invest my time at the gym to make my body stronger and healthier.

When you're investing, you make use of for future benefits or advantages. Isn't that so much wiser than spending?

You see, you have choice with every thought that you have and with every word that you speak. By becoming more conscious of these, you can help set yourself up for success to creating more of what you want in your life.

Everything that you consider to be a priority in life is worth investing in.


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