Own Your Truth ~


There’s a wonderful passage in the book Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell on page 83 that reads:


You cannot stand in your power unless you know who you are and own it. The strengths and the weaknesses, the shadow and the light.

If you don't know who you are and claim it, you will look to others for permission to be who you think you might be or desire to be someday.

If you know who you are with conviction, no one can define your worth, take away your power, bring you down, or say what is possible but you.

If you own your shadow no one can call you out, for you would have already claimed it.

So who are you? Write down a list of 10 things that are true about your light and your shadow. Light and dark. Own it ALL. Shame-free.


I love this passage.

We all have a past, and until we own that past, we live in fear.

We fear the exposure of the parts of our past that don't fit into who we think we should be; the parts of our past that don't live up to the image we want to portray; the self that we want others to believe we are.

I used to live like this too. I used to be so afraid of my shadow. Now I own it.

Until you own all of you ~ the good, the bad, and the ugly ~ what you fear others learning about you stunts your growth. It keeps you stuck. You can't possibly grow into your best, most authentic self without owning yourself. Without acknowledging and admitting all parts of you.


Guess What Lovely? Every single one of us has a past. You are not the only one. This is an absolute guarantee. Every single one of us has done things that we would now do differently. And isn't it wonderful to know that we would do it differently today? Knowing that we would do something differently now, means that we’ve grown from that time in our life. And isn't that the point of what we're here for? Aren’t we here to grow and evolve? To become better? To become more of who we were born to be?

Learning the lessons of your past is what makes you who you are today. Without all of those past experiences and lessons learned, you wouldn't be who you are right now.

Yet, we’re so afraid of our past. Of what others would think or say about us if they knew. We feel embarrassment, shame, guilt, and fear.  And it’s these feelings that end up running our life. The secrets that you're working so hard to keep, control you.

You can't possibly show up in your life fully and authentically with secrets.

Here’s another thing ~ Secrets are like poison. Secrets make you sick. Not only can you not live fully and authentically with secrets, you can’t live your healthiest self with secrets. Remember, when I talk about health I talk about all areas of health ~ physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

You have to be willing to own all parts of you. When you do, you live authentically. When you live authentically, you’re living your healthiest, best life.

We've all done things we wouldn't do today, said things we wouldn't say now. We've all lived and learned.  Once we know how to do better, we do.

A big part of owning your truth is being able to forgive yourself and being able to forgive others. Do the work to forgive, so that you can own all the parts of you, so that you can own all of your stories. For more on forgiving yourself, click here. 


All of your past makes up the tapestry of your life. It’s not perfect and that’s what makes it so beautiful.


I have no idea who's reading this right now, but I know for sure that you are not perfect. I know that you have a past and it’s very likely that there are parts of your past holding you back. It’s very likely that there are parts of your past making you sick in some way, in one or more areas of your life because you haven’t yet owned them.

Stand in your truth. It’s the only way to own your power. When your power is authentic, nobody can take it away from you.

Just as Rebecca Campbell writes in Rise Sister Rise ~ If you own your shadow no one can call you out, for you would have already claimed it.


Own your truth. It’s yours to own.

Are you owning your truth and living authentically? If not, are you ready to? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you.


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Looking for more tips to help you live well? Check out Your Live Well Journey - The Podcast, every episode offers ways to help you improve your self-care.


Ready to own your truth? I can help! Click here to learn more about my Coaching Program and book your FREE consultation today!