Loving Yourself

Loving Yourself

Loving Yourself ~   I can't express enough how necessary it is to learn the practice of loving yourself. There was a time in my life that I rolled my eyes when I heard someone say, ‘self-love.’ It was the quickest way to tune me out. I thought it was corny and a...
Forgive Yourself

Forgive Yourself

How easily do you forgive yourself? Most of us are very hard on ourselves. We're quick to judge ourselves, we easily criticize ourselves, and this makes it more difficult to forgive ourselves. However, forgiveness is necessary and it's an important part of a self-care...
Learning to Love Myself

Learning to Love Myself

Learning to Love Myself ~   For many years I felt the term self-love was a bit corny and not much more than a buzzword. It's taken me a long time to understand that it's neither. I'm now consciously aware that self-love is a necessity for living well. I remember...