Manage Your Stress ~ Here’s Why & How

Manage Your Stress ~ Here’s Why & How

How effective are you at managing your stress?   For your health, well-being, and lifespan, it's super important that you learn how to manage your stress effectively. Stress wreaks havoc on your mind and body. And in our busy world, it's very likely that you're...
Prioritize Yourself

Prioritize Yourself

When you prioritize yourself, you thrive.   When I introduce myself, I often do so in the order of priorities of how I live my life. I say, 'My name is Amanda Lee. I'm a woman dedicated to self-care, a wife, a mother, and a wellness entrepreneur.'   A Woman...
Benefits of Gardening

Benefits of Gardening

10 Benefits of Gardening One of my (many) memories of my grandmother is of watching her plant a flower in a pot one day. As her hands were digging in the soil and she gently placed the roots of the flowering plant into its new home, she smiled and told me how much she...