Mindful Eating ~ The Lessons I’ve Learned

Mindful Eating ~ The Lessons I’ve Learned

Years ago I enjoyed a mindfulness course that taught the teachings of Jon Kabat-Zinn's mindfulness-based stress reduction program. In it I learned numerous ways to cultivate mindfulness into my life, one of those ways was through the practice of mindful eating. It's...
Move Your Body ~ Here’s Why

Move Your Body ~ Here’s Why

Move Your Body ~ Here's Why:   Unfortunately the modern conveniences we enjoy in life, although great in many ways, have made us lazy. We didn't evolve to be as inactive as we are. We are meant to move! Both our mind and body benefit significantly when we commit...
What You Eat Matters

What You Eat Matters

Have you ever considered that what you eat contributes to the way you feel? Think about that nagging headache you can’t seem to get rid of, the foggy feeling in your brain midday or your inability to feel calm at night and fall asleep with ease. What you eat matters...