Start Asking, ‘What Can I Do?’

Start Asking, ‘What Can I Do?’

What can I do? A few years ago I learned the value in consciously choosing my thoughts and the words that I speak. I've come to deeply understand the power of thoughts and the power of the spoken word. I strongly believe that we can help set ourselves up for success...
My Best, Authentic Self

My Best, Authentic Self

My husband and I spend a lot of time outdoors, particularly in our backyard. It seems like we're always out there playing with our children, gardening and doing yardwork. (Which is actually more like ‘yardplay’ for us since we don’t think of it as ‘work’). We also sit...
Releasing ‘Perfect’

Releasing ‘Perfect’

There's power in the words we choose to use. I know this and yet I sometimes forget this. In our home we have released the word, perfect from our vocabulary. This came about when we realized that our son, who was 4 at the time, was trying to attain perfection. Of...