Benefits of Walking a Labyrinth

Benefits of Walking a Labyrinth

Benefits of Walking a Labyrinth ~ Labyrinth's have been used for centuries for group rituals and private meditation or prayer. Though they look like a maze, they're quite different from a maze. Whereas the many paths of a maze are meant to challenge one to find their way out, a labyrinth has one...

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What You Eat Matters

What You Eat Matters

Have you ever considered that what you eat contributes to the way you feel? Think about that nagging headache you can’t seem to get rid of, the foggy feeling in your brain midday...

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Eat Well to Live Well

Eat Well to Live Well

  Eat Well to Live Well ~ Often, we think of the word diet to mean something that we're going to go on for a period of time to accomplish a weight goal. When in fact, your...

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The Importance of Gratitude

The Importance of Gratitude

We are a culture that lives with an insatiable need to have more. Never satisfied with what we have, we live in a never-ending cycle where once we get something, we begin the...

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